Living the Core Values: Randy & Wanda Webb

Randy & Wandy Webb Cover Story

Before joining WorldVentures in January 2013, Randy Webb piloted C-130 cargo transport aircrafts for the U.S. Air Force. After several deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, a medical condition cut his career short. Fortunately for the Webbs, military skills such as leadership, management and teambuilding, transition well to a career in direct sales.

After retiring from the military, Randy worked as a realtor, landlord and inventor, while Wanda worked as a nurse. Free time was a luxury. “We kept putting off life with the excuse that we were making a living,” Randy explains. “We simply didn’t know there were other options besides working away the best years of our lives.”

When Wanda suggested they watch a promotional video about a company called WorldVentures, Randy declined. But a week later he received a call from a fellow airman who wanted to discuss a business opportunity, and when it turned out to be the same one Wanda previously mentioned, Randy thought it was a sign. “I was shown the business by two different people on two different sides of the world in the matter of a week. This was a huge clue to us that something big was happening.”

Live Fun, Freedom and Fulfillment
At the time, the Webbs were overworked with little time for fun or each other. One major draw to the business was that Independent Representatives for WorldVentures could earn an income while being awarded bonus travel experiences. Since joining the business, the Webbs live and embody one of the company’s core values—Live Fun, Freedom and Fulfillment. “Embracing this core commitment and striving to implement it in everything you do, will without a doubt change your life and allow you to truly live free,” Randy says.

But nothing comes without risk. “It sounds like a cliché, but what you believe, you can achieve,” Randy says. “The numbers made sense to us. This is a trillion-dollar industry with very few players in the space of network marketing.” Randy thought that if all else failed they would at least still be part of an amazing travel club.

Moving Forward
The night the Webbs made first rank in the company, Wanda cut up her nursing scrubs. There was no turning back. “It was proof to us that this was real and it was worth going after,” she says.

Their decision changed their lives for the better. “Traveling has given my wife and me a stronger marriage … and we’re spending quality time together,” Randy explains. “There were times [in the military] I didn’t speak to my wife for weeks on end. Now, when I leave home to go to another region and build a team, Wanda knows I’m coming home.”

Home these days is in Abilene, Texas. Memories of past financial struggles are gradually being replaced with memories of new adventures. “We wanted a lifestyle that provided more actual living and we wanted to build something in this life that would change the course of our financial future and that of our children,” Randy says. “Our kids will have a lot of stability and security in their future. We have more resources, more time, more friends, more memories, more experiences, more fulfillment, more rest and more impact on others. The business has introduced us to a world of personal development and growth and has made us better people all around.”

For Wanda, making memories and sharing experiences with her husband and kids are significant. “At the time, we were stuck in a routine of waking up early, going to work, coming home late and repeating it,” she says. “I saw something different. I saw people living in a way I didn’t know existed and I wanted that.”

Above all, time is no longer a luxury. “Time freedom has been the ultimate prize and with that comes many amazing experiences like taking our first cruise to the Caribbean, partying in Punta Cana and relaxing in the Riviera.” More importantly, the Webbs have been able to share simple yet equally treasured experiences with their kids.

The Webbs hope that telling their story will help others see that success is possible despite the circumstances one is dealt. “Things happen because they are supposed to happen; it becomes a part of your journey,” Randy says. Humble beginnings—both children of overworked, underpaid, single parents—have encouraged the Webbs to tell their story, and to live fun, freedom and fulfillment, each day. “If a kid from Compton, California, can become a professional network marketer and reach the top one percent of a company, then it’s possible for others to do it too.”

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